Join us outside at our entrance ramp on Central as we open waving Palm Branches and shouting Hosanna! followed by a Children’s Story featuring our good pal, Humphrey. Stay with us through the moving story of Jesus’ longest week on earth ending with his arrest and crucifixion. This is a lovely service full of drama and congregational participation.

Share a meal with our brothers and sisters from Christ Episcopal, First Presbyterian, and Immanuel Lutheran Churches. This service takes place during dinner, just as Jesus met with his disciples for one last meal on Passover. A simple potluck of soup, salad, bread, and wine/juice will be offered, during which we will partake humbly of a footwashing and Holy Communion. All are welcome and RSVPs are requested for this service to assure we have enough place settings and food. To register, please go to this link: https://cec.breezechms.com/form/64fc5d

Service takes place at Immanuel Lutheran Church Gather with our friends at Immanuel for this holy and somber service led by Pastor Crystal Larsen Stewart and Pastor Stephanie Johnson.

Celebrate Jesus’ resurrection with a morning of music, jubilation, fellowship and fun! Our worship service begins at 9:30am with special Children’s message time, unboxing our Alleluias, and praising our risen Savior. Stay after the service for a special Easter brunch and an Egg Hunt for children.

Please come to worship with us
on Easter Sunday at 9:30am.
After worship there will be an Easter Egg hunt for children 12 and younger.
Worship with us Sunday Mornings at 9:30 by clicking HERE or catch the recording later in the week.