Our regular weekly worship service begins at 9:30am.
We follow an order of service that will feel familiar and somewhat “traditional” to those who have worshiped in other Lutheran, Catholic, or Episcopalian congregations, but we aren’t particularly fussy. We sing hymns from our Lutheran hymnal and listen to scripture that has been selected for the day from the Revised Common Lectionary (which means Christians all over the globe and many of your neighbors will have heard the same scripture read at their church this week).
We receive Holy Communion each Sunday and all are welcome at our table. If you have a question about receiving communion, Pastor Stephanie welcomes you to discuss your concerns before or after the service with her.
If you are not ready to join us for in-person worship, are not feeling well, or are unable to be with us in-person for any reason, our service can be live-streamed (or accessed later) using this link.